Friday, July 11, 2008


Nas is going in at Jesse Jackson after Mr. Jackson was caught insulting presidential candidate Barack Obama on live TV. The nerve of him!!

Jackson was forced to apologize to Obama on Wednesday after he was overheard accusing the politician of talking "down" to the black community and stating that he wanted to "cut his (Obama's) nuts off."

Nas says Jesse's time in the public eye is over anyhow.

"I think Jesse Jackson, he's the biggest player hater. His time is up. All you old n----s, time is up. We heard your voice, we saw your marching, we heard your sermons. We don't wanna hear that s--t no more.
It's a new day. It's a new voice. I'm here now. We don't need Jesse; I'm here. I got this. We got Barack, we got David Banners and Young Jeezys. We're the voice now. It's no more Jesse. Sorry. Goodbye. You ain't helping nobody in the 'hood. That's the bottom line. Goodbye, Jesse. Bye!"

I couldn't agree more with Nas. Preach on brother! That was a bad move by Jesse Jackson. Hands down. Please do not let Barack Obama's success be another tragic Macolm X repeat. We all know the hate, jealousy and oppression can get the best of any of us. Let's stick together people and make a difference towards change.

Most of Jesse Jackson's slandering was not aired due to the comments that he made about Senator Obama were extremely offensive.

In more Nas news, he and wife Kelis have called it quits with hopes of a reality show. Nas said, after viewing the tapes to their footage, he felt the two were too "boring" and opted out of a reality tv show.

Nas' new album Nas hits stores on July 15th.

Story by K. K. Holloway

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