Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Queens, NY native, Nas, has just signed a one-year deal with Fila clothing company. Nas will be the spokesmodel as well as co-creating a new line in retro of the late 80's fashions.

Nas will provided print and television advertisement campaigns and Fila will sponsor Nas' upcoming tours.

Despite his decisions to not do any commercial deals in the past because of the thought of "selling out", Nas graciously accepted the offer from Fila due to his admiration he has had for the company since his days with his slain friend Ill Will.

Nas states, "My best friend Will and I loved Fila - It represented prestige and everything that was cool to us - When Will passed away, we buried him in an all black Fila sweat suite."

(far right) Bravehearts member Ill Will

While shopping in Fila's Manhattan store, one of the Fila executives spotted Nas and struck up a conversation with him and that's how the deal began. Fila President, John Epstein says, "Nas isn't interested in selling out. He's being true and that fits the Fila brand."

This new deal with Fila definitly suites Nas' style and persona as well as his wife Kelis. Kelis is known for her retro, innovative 80's style.

Nas with his wife & recording artist, Kelis

Nas' untitled Def Jam release is scheduled to release July 15th.

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